Type: Hash

A custom Object ({}) implementation which does not account for prototypes when setting, getting, or iterating. Useful because in JavaScript, we cannot use Object.prototype. Instead, we can use Hash.prototype!


  • When possible, please use the Object type!

Hash Method: constructor


var myHash = new Hash([object]);


  1. object - (mixed) A hash or object to implement.


  • (hash) A new Hash instance.


var myHash = new Hash({
    aProperty: true,
    aMethod: function(){
        return true;
alert(myHash.has('aMethod')); //Returns true.

Hash Method: each

Calls a function for each key-value pair in the object.


myHash.each(fn[, bind]);


  1. fn - (function) The function which should be executed on each item in the Hash. This function is passed the item and its key in the Hash.
  2. bind - (object, optional) The object to use as 'this' in the function. For more information, see Function:bind.

Argument: fn

fn(value, key, hash)
  1. value - (mixed) The current value in the hash.
  2. key - (string) The current value's key in the hash.
  3. hash - (hash) The actual hash.


var hash = new Hash({first: "Sunday", second: "Monday", third: "Tuesday"});
hash.each(function(value, key){
    alert("the " + key + " day of the week is " + value);
}); //Alerts "the first day of the week is Sunday", "the second day of the week is Monday", etc.

Hash Method: has

Tests for the presence of a specified key in the Hash.


var inHash = myHash.has(item);


  1. key - (string) The key to search for in the Hash.


  • (boolean) If the Hash has a defined value for the specified key, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.


var hash = new Hash({'a': 'one', 'b': 'two', 'c': 'three'});
hash.has('a'); //returns true
hash.has('d'); //returns false


  • Testing for a Hash prototype will never return true. Only testing the actual properties of the Hash will return true.

Hash Method: keyOf

Returns the key of the specified value. Synonymous with Array:indexOf.


var key = myHash.keyOf(item);


  1. item - (mixed) The item to search for in the Hash.


  • (string) If the Hash has a the specified item in it, returns the key of that item.
  • (boolean) Otherwise, returns false.


var hash = new Hash({'a': 'one', 'b': 'two', 'c': 3});
hash.keyOf('two'); //returns 'b'
hash.keyOf(3); //returns 'c'
hash.keyOf('four') //returns false


  • Testing for a Hash prototype will never return its key. Only the actual properties of the Hash will return their associated key.

Hash Method: hasValue

Tests for the presence of a specified value in the Hash.


var inHash = myHash.hasValue(value);


  1. value - (mixed) The value to search for in the Hash.


  • (boolean) If the Hash has the passed in value in any of the keys, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.


var hash = new Hash({'a': 'one', 'b': 'two', 'c': 'three'});
hash.hasValue('one'); //returns true
hash.hasValue('four'); //returns false

Hash Method: extend

Extends this Hash with the key-value pairs from the object passed in.




  1. properties - (object) The object whose items should be extended into this Hash


  • (hash) This Hash, extended.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
var properties = {
    'age': '20',
    'sex': 'male',
    'lastName': 'Dorian'
//hash now holds an object containing: { 'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Dorian', 'age': '20', 'sex': 'male' };

Hash Method: combine

Combines this Hash with the key-value pairs of the object passed in. Does not allow duplicates (old values are not overwritten by new ones) and is case and type sensitive.




  1. properties - (object) The object whose items should be combined into this Hash.


  • (hash) This Hash, combined with the new key-value pairs.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
var properties = {
    'name': 'Jane'
    'age': '20',
    'sex': 'male',
    'lastName': 'Dorian'
//hash now holds an object containing: { 'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe', 'age': '20', 'sex': 'male' };

Hash Method: erase

Removes the specified key from the Hash.




  1. key - (string) The key to search for in the Hash.


  • (hash) This Hash with the specified key and its value removed.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
//hash now holds an object containing: { 'name': 'John' };

Hash Method: get

Retrieves a value from the hash.




  1. key - (string) The key to retrieve in the Hash.


  • (mixed) Returns the value that corresponds to the key if found.
  • (null) null if the key doesn't exist.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
hash.get('name'); //returns 'John'

Hash Method: set

Adds a key-value pair to the hash or replaces a previous value associated with the specified key.


myHash.set(key, value);


  1. key - (string) The key to insert or modify in the Hash.
  2. value - (mixed) The value to associate with the specified key in the Hash.


  • (hash) This Hash with the specified key set to the specified value.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
hash.set('name', 'Michelle'); //hash.name is now 'Michelle'

Hash Method: empty

Empties the hash.




var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
//hash now holds an empty object: {}

Hash Method: include

Includes the specified key-value pair in the Hash if the key doesn't already exist.


myHash.include(key, value);


  1. key - (string) The key to insert into the Hash.
  2. value - (mixed) The value to associate with the specified key in the Hash.


  • (hash) This Hash with the specified key included if it did not previously exist.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
hash.include('name', 'Michelle'); //hash is unchanged
hash.include('age', 25); //hash.age is now 25

Hash Method: map

Creates a new map with the results of calling a provided function on every value in the map.


var mappedHash = myHash.map(fn[, bind]);


  1. fn - (function) The function to produce an element of the new Hash from an element of the current one.
  2. bind - (object, optional) The object to use as 'this' in the function. For more information see Function:bind.

Argument: fn

fn(value, key, hash)
  1. value - (mixed) The current value in the hash.
  2. key - (string) The current value's key in the hash.
  3. hash - (hash) The actual hash.


  • (hash) The new mapped hash.


var timesTwo = new Hash({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}).map(function(value, key){
    return value * 2;
}); //timesTwo now holds an object containing: {a: 2, b: 4, c: 6};

Hash Method: filter

Creates a new Hash with all of the elements of the Hash for which the provided filtering function returns true.


var filteredHash = myHash.filter(fn[, bind]);


  1. fn - (function) The function to test each element of the Hash. This function is passed the value and its key in the Hash.
  2. bind - (object, optional) The object to use as 'this' in the function. For more information see Function:bind.

Argument: fn

fn(value, key, hash)
  1. value - (mixed) The current value in the hash.
  2. key - (string) The current value's key in the hash.
  3. hash - (hash) The actual hash.


  • (hash) The new filtered hash.


var biggerThanTwenty = new Hash({a: 10, b: 20, c: 30}).filter(function(value, key){
    return value > 20;
}); //biggerThanTwenty now holds an object containing: {c: 30}

Hash Method: every

Returns true if every value in the object satisfies the provided testing function.


var allPassed = myHash.every(fn[, bind]);


  1. fn - (function) The function to test each element of the Hash. This function is passed the value and its key in the Hash.
  2. bind - (object, optional) The object to use as 'this' in the function. For more information see [Function:bind].

Argument: fn

fn(value, key, hash)
  1. value - (mixed) The current value in the hash.
  2. key - (string) The current value's key in the hash.
  3. hash - (hash) The actual hash.


  • (boolean) If every value in the Hash satisfies the provided testing function, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.


var areAllBigEnough = ({a: 10, b: 4, c: 25, d: 100}).every(function(value, key){
    return value > 20;
}); //areAllBigEnough = false

Hash Method: some

Returns true if at least one value in the object satisfies the provided testing function.


var anyPassed = myHash.any(fn[, bind]);


  1. fn - (function) The function to test each element of the Hash. This function is passed the value and its key in the Hash.
  2. bind - (object, optional) The object to use as 'this' in the function. For more information see Function:bind.

Argument: fn

fn(value, key, hash)
  1. value - (mixed) The current value in the hash.
  2. key - (string) The current value's key in the hash.
  3. hash - (hash) The actual hash.


  • (boolean) If any value in the Hash satisfies the provided testing function, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.


var areAnyBigEnough = ({a: 10, b: 4, c: 25, d: 100}).some(function(value, key){
    return value > 20;
}); //isAnyBigEnough = true

Hash Method: getClean

Returns a a clean object from an Hash.




  • (object) a clean object


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
hash = hash.getClean(); // hash doesnt contain Hash prototypes anymore
hash.each() //error!

Hash Method: getKeys

Returns an array containing all the keys, in the same order as the values returned by Hash:getValues.


var keys = myHash.getKeys();


  • (array) An array containing all the keys of the hash.

Hash Method: getValues

Returns an array containing all the values, in the same order as the keys returned by Hash:getKeys.


var values = myHash.getValues();


  • (array) An array containing all the values of the hash.

Hash Method: getLength

Returns the number of keys in the Hash.


var length = myHash.getLength();


  • (number) The length of the Hash.


var hash = new Hash({
    'name': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'
hash.getLength(); // returns 2

Hash Method: toQueryString

Generates a query string from key/value pairs in an object and URI encodes the values.


var queryString = myHash.toQueryString();


  1. source - (object) The object to generate the query string from.


  • (string) The query string.


Using Hash generic:

Hash.toQueryString({apple: "red", lemon: "yellow"}); //returns "apple=red&lemon=yellow"

Using Hash instance:

var myHash = new Hash({apple: "red", lemon: "yellow"});
myHash.toQueryString(); //returns "apple=red&lemon=yellow"

Utility Functions

Function: $H

Shortcut for the new Hash.


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