на русском v1.2.5 Документацитя по MooTools 1.4.5 Обсуждение Установить себе Благодарности
на русском v1.2.5 Документацитя по MooTools 1.4.5 Обсуждение Установить себе Благодарности
Fx.Elements allows you to apply any number of styles transitions to a collection of Elements.
new Fx.Elements(elements[, options]);
var myFx = new Fx.Elements($$('.myElementClass'), { onComplete: function(){ alert('complete'); } }).start({ '0': { 'height': [200, 300], 'opacity': [0,1] }, '1': { 'width': [200, 300], 'opacity': [1,0] } });
Applies the passed in style transitions to each object named immediately (see example).
var myFx = new Fx.Elements($$('.myClass')).set({ '0': { 'height': 200, 'opacity': 0 }, '1': { 'width': 300, 'opacity': 1 } });
Applies the passed in style transitions to each object named (see example).
var myElementsEffects = new Fx.Elements($$('a')); myElementsEffects.start({ '0': { //let's change the first element's opacity and width 'opacity': [0,1], 'width': [100,200] }, '4': { //and the fifth one's opacity 'opacity': [0.2, 0.5] } });
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