Creates and returns a Flash object using supplied parameters.
Flash detection and Internet Explorer/Flash Player 9 fix adapted from SWFObject.
var mySwiff = new Swiff(path[, options]);
- path - (string) The path to the SWF file.
- options - (object, optional) See Options below.
- id - (string: defaults to 'Swiff_' + unique id) The id of the SWF object.
- width - (number: defaults to 1) The width of the SWF object.
- height - (number: defaults to 1) The height of the SWF object.
- container - (element) The container into which the SWF object will be injected.
- params - (object) Parameters to be passed to the SWF object (wmode, bgcolor, allowScriptAccess, loop, etc.).
- allowScriptAccess - (string: defaults to always) The domain that the SWF object allows access to.
- quality - (string: defaults to 'high') The render quality of the movie.
- swLiveConnect - (boolean: defaults to true) the swLiveConnect parameter to allow remote scripting.
- wMode - (string: defaults to 'transparent') Allows the SWF to be displayed with a transparent background.
- properties - (object) Additional attributes for the object element.
- vars - (object) Vars will be passed to the SWF as querystring in flashVars.
- callBacks - (object) Functions to call from the SWF. These will be available globally in the movie, and bound to the object.
- (element) A new HTML object Element.
var obj = new Swiff('myMovie.swf', {
id: 'myBeautifulMovie',
width: 500,
height: 400,
params: {
wmode: 'opaque',
bgcolor: '#ff3300'
vars: {
myVariable: myJsVar,
myVariableString: 'hello'
callBacks: {
load: myOnloadFunc
- Although Swiff returns the object, this element will NOT have any Element methods applied to it.
- The $ function on an object/embed tag will only return its reference without further processing.
Calls an ActionScript function from JavaScript.
var result = Swiff.remote(obj, fn);
- obj - (element) A Swiff instance (an HTML object Element).
- fn - (string) The name of the function to execute in the Flash movie.
- (mixed) The ActionScript function's result.
var obj = new Swiff('myMovie.swf');
//Alerts "This is from the .swf file!".
alert(Swiff.remote(obj, 'myFlashFn'));
The SWF file must be compiled with the ExternalInterface component. See the Adobe documentation on External Interface for more information.