на русском v1.2.5 Документацитя по MooTools 1.4.5 Обсуждение Установить себе Благодарности
на русском v1.2.5 Документацитя по MooTools 1.4.5 Обсуждение Установить себе Благодарности
Sets and accesses cookies.
Writes a cookie in the browser.
var myCookie = Cookie.write(key, value[, options]);
Saves the Cookie for the Duration of the Session:
var myCookie = Cookie.write('username', 'Harald');
Saves the Cookie for a Day:
var myCookie = Cookie.write('username', 'JackBauer', {duration: 1});
Reads the value of a Cookie.
var myCookie = Cookie.read(name);
Removes a cookie from the browser.
var oldCookie = Cookie.dispose(cookie[, options]);
Remove a Cookie:
Cookie.dispose('username'); //Bye-bye JackBauer! Seeya in 24 Hours.
Creating a Cookie and Removing it Right Away:
var myCookie = Cookie.write('username', 'Aaron', {domain: 'mootools.net'}); if (Cookie.read('username') == 'Aaron') { Cookie.dispose(myCookie); }
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